Thursday, November 11, 2010

Breaking down the Question

I outlined two sources of challenges for the middleware in a previous post: the networking environment and the application data demands. What I need to do is discuss the needed or possible responses in each of those areas, the questions they raise. Therefore, I'm designing the section around that structure:

  1. Middleware Design Issues: Network Environment
  2. Middleware Design Issues: Application Data Demands
  3. Middleware Design Issues: Routing Algorithm

First, though I have to point out the contradiction between long network delays and real-time requirements. The two properties contradict (and make this work interesting). We know, though, that prototypal systems have been built on wireless communication technology, so that we then know there are wireless environments that can be provisioned to support these systems. The question I want to ask, then, is can we extend beyond those environments because the patient, going about his or her life, is probably going to bring the system beyond intended environments. We might also ask if, by adopting these techniques, we can reduce the provisioning needed in those intended environments.

To answer those questions, we need to know more about the environment. We also need to develop a new networking paradigm, which is the basis for my proposal.

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