Saturday, May 22, 2010

Check Up

I should have known that I'd never really update this guy. This is my perennial resolution to update my research blog more. This one, though, comes with the commitment to update my website as well. I'm going for a CSS3 and HTML5 experience. I also want this page to match that layout as best it can. If these Blogger templates don't let that happen, then I might go with something else.

As far as my research goes, I'm working on my proposal. The idea is to determine the systems infrastructure needed to support Personalized Health IT Applications. Many people are starting to track their own vital signs, and we're entering an era where your doctor can ask you to start tracking them in your every day life. The question is then how do we connect you to your doctor in this new intimate, personalized health monitoring environment.

At the moment, I'm having trouble convincing my advisor that I understand the goal of all this.

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