Monday, March 06, 2006

Netnice Reloaded

Netnice provides QoS by setting up what are called VIFs in the /proc/networks directory. Each VIF can be given a weight, priority, and/or bandwidth limitation in order to achieve a network QoS model where the collection of VIFs share the physical network connection.

For the purposes of this experiment, it seems as though we would need a VIF for each connection that a remote peer initiates with a node (in the least) since its the node's responsibility to shape his peers' access to itself. However, it would be best to shape connections the software make as well. Therefore, the software will need to dynamically create and destroy VIFs for each connection it accepts, creates, and terminates. It will further need to be able to set the QoS parameters for each based on established partnership agreements.

I need to find some code samples that do this.... has none.

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