Sunday, February 26, 2006

Rough Software Spec

I'm hoping Landon Cox will send me the Samsara code soon, but, as was discussed, it's not wise to wait on him. Thus, this is a bare minimum description of what the software prototype needs to do in the event we don't get Samsara as a base from which to work.

File System.

The full scale software system would need some kind of configuration interface where the user could specify the set of directories or disk mounts that the software should back up. From this the software would essentially create a single huge block of addressable data, which would then be split into chunks for distribution. It would then need to be able to track changes made to the given set of directories and map those changes into the single block.

For this prototype, it would suffice to use a single huge file to model the addressable data space the full scale system would create. Some means of modification to this file would then need to be devised. The prototype would then to notice the change and accurately determine the section of the file that has been modified. We discussed the use of Delta encoding for this purpose (we have to get more information about its implementation if Samsara never comes).

At a bare minimum, the prototype could simply maintain several small blocks, a subset of which are assumed to have changed with each backup "epoch."


Given a set of directories, the prototype flattens them and maps an address space over the result. What then happens as files are added to the directories? Would the flattened block then grows from the middle, shifting all subsequent data to different addresses?

Partnership management.

While Samsara/Pastiche have already tackled the problem of finding partners based on comparable software installations, our system would have to add a service level agreement advertisement and negotiation scheme to this for a full blown implementation of the Hard Data Proposal. This would require the user to give an configurable estimate of how much data changes, how varying that measure is, how quickly it should be backed up, and how "important" it is to get good service, which would direct the system to give up proportionately more resources compared to its needs, making a more desirable offer, and attracting better partners.

At a minimum, the prototype could assume a set of partnerships (as little as one), each with an assumed service level agreement that may or may not be an equal partnership.

Per Partnership needs

For each partnership, the prototype would need to store:

  • From The Partner
    • The service level agreement for the data being stored, which comprises the size of data to store and the minimum bandwidth needed
    • An identifiable tag for each block being stored for the partner (perhaps the starting address and size)
    • The location of all blocks for which the local node is responsible
  • To The Partner
    • The service level agreement for the data being held by the partner
    • An identifiable tag for each block being held by the partner
    • The segments of the address space that the partner is servicing, i.e. storing the equivalent blocks

On an Update or Restore

When a connection is created, the connecting host either wants to update the data stored or retrieve it. The initial communication of the connection should communicate this along with a requested amount of bandwidth for the update or restore and an identification of the blocks to be accessed. The serving host can then grant the connecting host a bandwidth allotment between the minimum agreed upon bandwidth and the requested amount, which could indicate the hosts wants all available.


The serving host must be able to control this as the update or restore progresses while other connections from other partners are created and severed. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the serving host to monitor and control this bandwidth because a connecting host greedily wants as much as possible while the serving host only wants to give up the smallest amount of resources to ensure the partnership continues. It is then the connecting host's responsibility to ensure his connecting service level agreement is not being starved.


The questions the arises from this is the serving host's ability to manage his network connection. Should it only make agreements such that the sum of the minimum bandwidth requirements is no more than its network capacity? Or can it overshoot its capacity relying on the fact that not all partners will be using the connection at once? If so, can it then deny or delay a connection based on preoccupied resources? Is this then grounds for termination of a SLA? If not, how frequently can it occur before a SLA should be terminated? (While this would be interesting to research, it would require a large number of hosts and an significantly long experiment. So what assumptions can we make?)

Update Frequency

Based the user settings, the prototype would have to ensure the given data, either the single file or set of directories, is up to date within a given timeframe. The simplest way to do this would be to have the prototype wake up at regular intervals in step with the user configuration. Upon such an event, the prototype would need to in some manner examine the entire set of data such that it compares this examination with the last wakeup event. This comparision should yield a set of address ranges that have changed from the last update, which are then compared with each partnership to obtain the set of partners that are storing the corresponding old data. The prototype then connects to each and uploads the newer data while monitoring the upload bandwidth of each connection to ensure it meets its SLA. Once complete, it retires until the next update.


To do this, the prototype would need to be able to map the address ranges back to the directory structure, which could potentially map over several files and directories.

The prototype supposedly would determine whether the outgoing network capacity was sufficient to service the user's demand at the time the user configured the software. But this relied on an average update size and a measure of deviation from it. Thus, the prototype could potentially have more data to update than expected. Or a set of circumstances could arise that otherwise impede the update capability. Thus, the prototype must also manage the outgoing bandwidth such that the update occurs as quickly as possible but does not allow for the network capacity to become the bottleneck, restricting the bandwidth for a connection, which the prototype might incorrectly assume is the serving host violating the SLA. One way of overcoming this obstacle, is to make a single connection at a time, dedicating the entirety of the upload pipe to it and then allow the serving host to throttle the bandwidth down. Subsequent connections can then be made, one after another, with a similar protocol until there is not enough bandwidth left to properly service another connection.

Lastly, it's not difficult to assume that updates to the data do not occur all at once, but rather are spread over the update time frame interval. Therefore, the size of the needed update would increase with the time interval. Network utilization would be negatively affected, though, as larger bursts of transfers would be required at longer intervals while a more sustained average usage would be needed for shorter, almost continuous, intervals. This, however, assumes that the set of data to be backed up, if it were a set of directories, does not include those where running processes would be creating temporary files. (We could potentially examine this trade-off)


This raises the issue of what happens if more data needs backed up than the software has time to transfer it. Would the software potentially miss an update interval? What then happens if an update occurs while it's trying to transfer the previous snapshot? Can we include the update? Would it simply be easier to include that in the next snapshot? Would that violate what the user needs?

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